Committee Meetings and Council Meeting Committee Meetings and Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 11

Fish and Wildlife Committee - 10am - Evergreen Room

  • Adoption of macroinvertebrate protocols (60k PDF)
  • Committee recommendation (180k PDF) for the next project review process
  • Update (60k PDF) on the status of the Snake River Fall Chinook transportation study

Power Committee- 8:30am - Aspen Room

  • Comments on final adequacy standards and recommendation (170k PDF) to Council
  • Recommendation (60k PDF) on preliminary electricity price forecast paper
  • Discussion of assumptions (70k PDF) and inputs for the preliminary resource analysis
    • Financial assumptions
    • Discussion of 2007 load growth and expectations for 2008-10
    • Economic growth forecast for the Sixth Power Plan
    • Preliminary energy and peak demand forecasts for 2008-2030
    • Conservation supply
    • Generating resource assumptions
    • Electricity price forecast
    • Genesys model
    • Portfolio model
  • Status report (80k PDF) on Regional Dialogue policy implementation

Council Meeting - 1:30pm - Evergreen Room

  1:30 - 1:45pm Remarks by the Honorable C. L. “Butch” Otter, Governor of Idaho  
  1:45 - 2pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; and Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs.  
1. 2 - 2:15pm Council decision on adoption of final adequacy standards: Dr.Tom Karier, Washingtonstate Council member; Paul Norman, Bonneville Power Administration. download
230k PDF
2. 2:15 - 2:30pm Council decision to release final electricity price forecast paper: Jeff King, senior resource analyst; Maury Galbraith, resource analyst.
  • Updated electricity price forecast paper - 3/6/08 (175k pdf)
190k PDF
  2:30 - 2:45pm Break  
3. 2:45 - 3:45pm Northwest Fisheries Science Center Presentation on Climate Research: John Ferguson, Bill Peterson, Rich Zabel and Tim Beechie, NOAA Fisheries Science Center; Jim Ruff, manager, mainstem passage and river operations.
  • Ocean Conditions
  • Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook parr response to climate
  • change
  • Incised channels research
9.4mb PDF
4.  3:45 - 4:15pm Presentation on Raft River geothermal project in Idaho: Doug Glaspey, U.S. Geothermal. download
110k PDF

The Executive Committee will meet in executive session at the close of business on Tuesday, March 11.
The Public Affairs Committee will meet at the close of business on Tuesday, March 11

Wednesday, March 12

Continuation of Council Meeting - 9am

5. 9  - 9:15am Council decision on the next project review process: Lynn Palensky, program planning and special projects coordinator; Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation. download
180k PDF
6. 9:15 - 9:30am Council decision on adoption of macroinvertebrate protocols: Peter Paquet, manager, wildlife and resident fish. download
60k PDF
7. 9:30 - 10am Council decision to request ISRP review of project reporting metrics:  Dr. Tom Karier,Washington state Council member. download
160k PDF
8. 10 - 10:15am Update on Fish and Wildlife Program amendments: Patty O’Toole, program implementation manager; and Lynn Palensky, program planning and special projects coordinator. download
120k PDF
9. 10:15 -10:30 am Update on water runoff forecast: Jim Ruff, manager, mainstem passage and river operations. download
280k PDF
10.  10:30am Council business:
  • Approve letter (60k PDF) to Bonneville on effectiveness of fish and wildlife program
  • Adoption of minutes

A tour of Eagle Fish Hatchery will depart at 12:45pm from The Grove Hotel on March 12.

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.