Manufactured Housing Duct Sealing

Background and Discussion Scope: This discussion began at the June 2016 RTF meeting (presentation link). The goal of this work was to provide the RTF with guidance on whether, and how, to incorporate the latest Puget Sound Energy MH duct sealing impact evaluation into the Manufactured Housing Duct Sealing UES measure analysis. The savings from this study are significantly lower than the savings from the previous PSE impact evaluation and the Avista impact evaluation, both of which are currently used to estimate measure savings. Ultimately the RTF voted to include the evaluation in its measure analysis, and convert the former UES measure to a Standard Protocol. 

Relevant meetings: August 5, 2016

Prescriptive Duct Sealing

Background and Discussion Scope: BPA has requested the RTF consider its proposal for a new UES measure: prescriptive duct sealing. The intention is to provide an alternative to the PTCS duct sealing measure, not to replace it. The subcommittee will review and provide its input on the draft proposed specification, research plan, and UES summary sheet. Once the subcommittee agrees on the measure definition and research plan, the Research and Evaluation Subcommittee will be asked to provide feedback on the research plan prior to presenting the measure proposal to the RTF. The goal is to present the measure to the RTF for adoption at its August meeting.

The most recent working materials are below:

Relevant meetings: July 8, 2013