Discussion of FERC National Action Plan on Demand Response Conservation Resources Advisory Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 5

Power Committee Web Conference - 9am

  • Update (700k PDF) on electricity price forecast (Galbraith)
  • Review (1mb PDF) of transmission activities (Gibson)
  • Review (60k PDF) draft conservation section of chapter 5 (Eckman, Grist)
  • Discuss (620k PDF) planning status and how to get to draft plan (Morlan)

Tuesday, March 10

Fish Committee - 9:30am - Evergreen Room

  • Recommendation (70k PDF) on the Columbia River Fish Accord project for Influence of Environment and Landscape on Salmonid Genetics, Project #2009-005-00
  • Update (60k PDF) on categorical reviews
  • Discussion (60k PDF) of the general approach to multi-year action plans
  • Discussion (730k PDF, updated 3/11) of Bonneville's budget white paper

Power Committee - 8:30am - Aspen Room

  • Review (320k PDF) draft demand response section of chapter 5 (Corum)
  • Status (570k PDF) of climate change analysis (Fazio, King, Galbriath)
  • Current portfolio analysis (620k PDF) results (Schilmoeller)
  • Geothermal resource assessment (40k PDF, updated 3/9) (King)
  • Review (60k PDF) draft generating resource section of chapter 5 (King)
  • Review (60k PDF) draft resource adequacy chapter (Fazio)

Council Meeting - 1pm - Evergreen Room


Note: This is a GoToMeeting web meeting. To join, follow this link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/744971779

Download this packet item (70k PDF) for agenda items 1-7
1.  1 - 1:20pm Ten-year summary of Columbia River adult salmon and steelhead counts (1999 through 2008 actuals):  Pete Hassemer, Idaho Department of Fish and Game. download
(1.7mb PDF
updated 3/11)
2. 1:20 - 1:45pm Ocean conditions, juvenile abundance index, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation – update with management implications:  John Ferguson, NOAA Fisheries - Northwest Fisheries Science Center. download
(2.3mb PDF
updated 3/11)
3. 1:45 - 2:05pm 2009 salmon and steelhead run forecasts:  Bill Tweit, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. download
(470k PDF
updated 3/11)
4. 2:05 - 2:25pm The Idaho Update – recent trends in salmon and steelhead abundance and outlook on 2009 adult returns: Paul Kline, Idaho Department of Fish and Game. download
(1.7mb PDF
updated 3/11)
  2:25 - 3pm Break  
5. 3 - 3:45pm Columbia River Fish Mitigation Program – update on recent research results, fish passage improvements and future plans: Rock Peters, Mike Langeslay and Marvin Shutters, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers download
(1mb PDF
updated 3/11)
6. 3:45 - 4:05pm 2008 survival of migrating juvenile salmonids in the Snake and Columbia River: John G. Williams, NOAA Fisheries – Northwest Fisheries Science Center. download
(1mb PDF
updated 3/11)
7. 4:05 - 4:25pm Survival of juvenile Chinook in lower Columbia River and estuary: Blaine Ebberts, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. download
(1.1mb PDF
updated 3/11)
  4:25pm - 4:45pm Wrap-up session with questions and answers: all presenters  

Wednesday, March 11 - Continuation of Council Meeting - 9am - Evergreen Room

  9 - 9:15am Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair: Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
8. 9:15 - 9:45am Briefing on effects of the economic downturn on the Bonneville Power Administration:Greg Delwiche, Bonneville Power Administration. download
(180k PDF
updated 3/11)
  9:45 - 10am Break  
9. 10 - 10:30am Status report on power plan development: Terry Morlan, director, power division. download
(620k PDF)
10. 10:30 - 11am Update on revised wholesale electricity price forecast: Maury Galbraith, resource analyst. download
(540k PDF)
11. 11 - 11:30am Presentation on Bonneville Smart Grid Pilot: Terry Oliver, Chief Technological Innovation Officer, Bonneville Power Administration download
(920k PDF
updated 3/11)
  11:30 - 1pm Lunch  
12. 1 - 1:15pm Council decision on the Columbia River Fish Accord project for Influence of Environment and Landscape on Salmonid Genetics, Project #2009-005-00: Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation. download
(70k PDF)
13. 1:15 - 1:30pm Discussion on releasing high-level indicators for public comment: Tom Karier, Council Member, Washington download
(140k PDF)
14. 1:30 - 1:45pm Council business:
  • Extend charter of the Wind Integration Forum (concludes in April 2009)
  • Approval of minutes
15. 1:45pm Public comment on demand forecast issue paper or other issues download
(60k PDF)

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.