Conservation Resources Advisory Committee Meeting Fish Passage Center Oversight Board meeting

Tuesday, July 14

Power Committee - large conference room - 8:30am

  • Update (60k PDF, updated 7/13) on power plan issues
  • Update (60k PDF) on near-term conservation targets*
  • Discussion (60k PDF) of resource strategy*
  • Revised (60k PDF) “vision” statement*
  • Discussion (60k PDF) of carbon cost assumptions and analysis*
  • Review (60k PDF) of draft Plan*

Additional materials can be found in the Council Work Session agenda below.

Fish Committee - small conference room - 8:30am

  • Updates (180k PDF) to the Staff Recommendation for the Wildlife Category Review
  • Wildlife crediting forum (100k PDF)
  • Briefing (360k PDF, updated 7/14) on Regional RM&E Assessment Report
  • Update (340k PDF) on anadromous fish subbasins Monitoring and Evaluation workshop
  • Update (1.5mb PDF) on PNAMP and 2009 priorities
  • Presentation (900k PDF) on regional data collection and sharing white paper
  • Update (60k PDF) on the future role of the HSRG 
  • Update (60k PDF) on high level indicators workshop
  • Quarterly Review (60k PDF) of Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation

Council Meeting - large and small conference rooms - 1:30pm

  1:30 - 1:45pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.
Remarks by Paul Lumley, executive director, Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission.
1.  1:45 - 2:15pm Presentation on U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s experience with invasive mussels in the West: Fred L. Nibling, Jr., Research Botanist, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. download
2.6mb PDF
updated 7/14
2. 2:15 - 4:30pm Council Work Session on development of the Sixth Power Plan:  Terry Morlan, director, power division.  

Wednesday, July 15 - Continuation of Council Work Session - 9am

3.  9 -  9:30am Update on Northwest Energy Efficiency Task Force (NEET): Ken Canon. download
100k PDF
4. 9:30 - 10:15am Comments on the Sixth Power Plan by representatives from Sierra Club: Dan Ritzman, Western Regional Coal Director, Sierra Club; Lisa Adatto, Oregon Director, Climate Solutions; Catherine Thomasson, Internist and Resident Educator, Portland State University Student Health and Counseling Center. download
160k PDF
  10:15 - 10:30am Break  
  10:30am - 4pm Continuation of Council Work Session on development of the Sixth Power Plan  

The Executive and Public Affairs committees will meet at the close of business on Wednesday.

Thursday, July 16 - Continuation of Council Meeting - 8:30am

5.  8:30 - 9:15am Council decision on Wildlife Projects Category Review:  Lynn Palensky, program planning and special projects coordinator; and Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation. download
120k PDF
6. 9:15 - 9:30am Council decision on wildlife crediting forum:  Peter Paquet, manager, wildlife and resident fish. download
100k PDF
  9:30 - 9:45am Break  
7. 9:45 - 10:15am Update on anadromous fish subbasins Monitoring and Evaluation workshop:  Tony Grover, director, fish and wildlife division; Nancy Leonard, fish, wildlife and ecosystem monitoring and evaluation manager; and representatives from NOAA, CBFWA and BPA.  download
340k PDF
8. 10:15 - 10:45am Council Business:
    • Membership renewal of ISRP and ISAB members (70k PDF)
    • Adoption of 2011 and revised 2010 Council budget
    • Approval of AEERPS paper (tentative)
    • Approval of the Council’s Annual Report to the Governors on fish and wildlife spending
    • Approval of minutes
  10:45am- Continuation of Council Work Session on development of the Sixth Power Plan  

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.

To participate by phone in any of the meetings, please call the Council’s central office for the phone-in number.