RTF Meeting: November 5, 2002 RTF Meeting: January 23, 2003

Day 1 of 2

9:30 AM Introductions, Announcements & Review of Agenda
           -   Review and Approval of meeting minutes for November 5, 2002
           -   Set Next meeting date and location
9:45 AMUpdate on the results of new and revised deemed measure calculations for:
          - Residential Domestic Water Heaters
          - Line voltage thermostats
          - ?Low-Flow? Showerheads
          - Pipe wrap on hot/cold water pipes
10:15 AMPresentation, Discussion & Decisions on Proposed Revisions to Air Source Heat Pump Installation and Commissioning Specifications - Bob Davis and/or Dave Baylon
          - Proposed Changes
          - Rationale for Changes, including impact on heat pump and air conditioner HSPF and SEER
11:00 AMBreak
11:15 AMDiscussions & Decision on Proposed Changes to Air Source Heat Pump Installation and Commissioning Specifications - Tom Eckman
            - Outdoor Thermostat
            - Demand Defrost
            - ?Backup/Emergency Heat? control logic
12:00 PMLunch 
1:00 PMPresentation, Discussion & Decision Air Source Heat Pump Specification - Duct system design and documentation - Tom Eckman
2:30 PMBreak
2:45 PMContinued Discussions & Decision on Air Source Heat Pump Specifications
3:30 PMPresentation, Discussion & Decision on ?Bright Way? Solar Water Heater Installation Specifications - Adam Hadley
4:30 PMRecess Until January 23rd


Comparison of RTF and PTCS Heat Pump Specifications (Ecotope PowerPoint presentation)

Ecotope Duct Insulation and Heat Pump Performance Analysis by Baylon & Francisco (PowerPoint)

Rationale and Summary of Analysis of Heat Pump Performance Impacts prepared by Ecotope

Florida Solar Energy Center paper on Factors Affecting Heat Pump Performance

Florida Solar Energy Center Analysis of Heat Pump Part Load Performance

Impact on Savings and C&R Discount Credits of Air Source Heat Pump Specification Changes (PowerPoint)

RTF's Air Source Heat Pump Specifications ( Appendix H)

PTCS Duct Sealing & Heat Pump Installation and Commissioning "Checklist" Form (Ecotope/Manclark)

Explanation of Proposed Specification Changes for PTCS Heat Pump Installations by Ecotope

Comments from Vern Rice and Bryan Boe regarding new requirement for duct design documentation

Comments from Tom Schumacher proposing changes to RTF's Air Source Heat Pump Specifications

"Brightway" Solar Water Heater Installation Original 30 General and Technical Specification
"Brightway" Specification Changes
"Brightway" New 30 General and Technical Specifications Compared
"Brightway" - 10 Utility Requirements - Program Description


Energy Star Duct Sealing Specfications

Estimated Duct System Efficiency in New Single Family and Manufactured Homes (Baylon)

Overview of Alternative Duct Tightness Testing Protocols and Their Strenghts and Weaknesses (Manclark)

Pressure Pan Test Results (Manclark)

Proposed Changes to PTCS Duct Sealing Specifications & Standards (PowerPoint) - Manclark

Revised PTCS Duct Testing and Sealing Protocol and Specifications (Ecotope/Davis)


RTF Air Leakage Testing Protocol and Specifications for Manufactures/Mobile Homes

RTF Air Leakage Testing Protocol and Specifications for Single Family Homes

Blower Door Testing Backgrounder (Minneapolis Blower Door)

Blower Door Test Form


Residential Weatherization Deemed Savings Calculator - Revisions (PowerPoint)

Energy Star Residential Weatherization Specifications, including Insulation,Air Sealing and Duct Sealing

PTCS Residential Weatherization Specifications

Background Notes on PTCS Residential Weatherization Specifications (Ecotope)


Summary of New Deemed Measure Values for Low Flow Showerheads, Hot Water Pipe Wrap, DHW Tanks & Electronic Thermostats

Hot Water Heater Pipe Insulation Deemed Savings Analysis

Electronic Thermostat Deemed Savings Analysis

Revised Market Price Forecast and Load Shape File

Energy Efficiency Water Heater Deemed Savings Analysis (Update with revised measure lives and warranty requirements)

Proposed Deemed Calculation Method for Residential Weatherization, Heat Pump Conversions, Water Heating and Energy Star Ligthing and Appliances - MultiFamily

Proposed Deemed Calculation Method for Residential Weatherization, Heat Pump Conversions, Water Heating and Energy Star Ligthing and Appliances - Manufactured/Mobile Home

Proposed Deemed Calculation Method for Residential Weatherization, Heat Pump Conversions, Water Heating and Energy Star Ligthing and Appliances - Single Family

Low Flow Showerhead Deemed Savings Analysis