Tuesday, August 18, 2020
This meeting will now be a webinar only. Meetings through the end of the year have been shortened to half days, to better accommodate virtual participation.
9:00 am
Welcome, Review of Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Jennifer Light, RTF Manager/Chair
Decision: (Yea/Nay) Approve agenda and meeting minutes
9:15 am
New UES: ENERGY STAR Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines
Gregory Brown, RTF Contract Analyst
*Presentation updated 8/13 with new analysis*
Decision: (Yea/Nay) Adopt New Measure
10:00 am
New Measure Proposals
Ryan Firestone, RTF Contract Analyst
Decision: (Yea/Nay) Allocate Resources to Measure Development
10:45 am
11:15 am
UES: Installation Specific ASHP Conversions and Upgrades
Adam Hadley, RTC Contract Analyst
1:00 pm