Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting Technical Committee

Thursday, March 3

Power Committee meeting via GoToMeeting, 8:30am

Join at or conference call at 1-800-786-1922, 58779614#

  • Status report on power supply adequacy (Fazio)
  • Update (updated 3/3) on the direct use of natural gas analysis (Eckman, Schilmoeller)
  • Briefing on federal agencies’ climate change analysis (Fazio)
  • Update on progress on RTF review (Eckman, Grist, Morlan)

Note:  There will be space available at the Council central office in Portland, Oregon, to participate in the Power Committee meeting.

Tuesday, March 8

Fish and Wildlife Committee - 8:30am

Join at or conference call at 1-800-786-1922, 25249455#

  • Download F&W Committee packet as a compressed folder of 12 files (850k ZIP, added 3/7)
  • Step project reviews:
    • Hungry Horse Mitigation Program, Project #1991-019-03 - Sekokini Springs Isolation Facility
    • Snake River Sockeye Captive Propagation, Project #2007-402-00 - Springfield Sockeye Hatchery Master Plan for the Snake River Sockeye Program
  • Discussion on RM&E/AP categorical review (also see packet in first bullet above)

Council Meeting - 1:30pm - Payette Room

Join at or conference call at 1-800-786-1922, code 76142266#

 1:30 - 1:45pmReports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Bill Booth, chair, fish and wildlife committee; Tom Karier, chair, power committee; and Rhonda Whiting, chair, public affairs committee; andUpdate on activities of Columbia Basin Trust: Dick Wallace, Council Vice-chair. 
1. 1:45 - 2:30pmPanel on Idaho energy policy:  Ric Gale, Idaho Power Company, on the Idaho Energy Efficiency Policy Institute; and Paul Kjellander, Idaho Office of Energy
1.8mb PDF
updated 3/7
 2:30 - 2:45pmBreak 
2.2:45 - 3:30pmPanel on Idaho Power Company planning issues:  Mark Stokes (downloadadded 3/8) on Idaho Power’s Integrated Resource Plan; and Jim Tucker on Idaho Power’s hydro
2.4mb PDF
updated 3/7
3.3:30 - 4:30pmPresentation on Idaho Sockeye Hatchery:  Paul Kline, Idaho Department of Fish and
4mb PDF
updated 3/8

 The Executive Committee will meet at the close of business on Tuesday, March 8.

 The Public Affairs Committee will meet at the close of business on Tuesday, March 8.

Wednesday, March 9

Continuation of Council Meeting - 8:30am - Payette Room

Join at or conference call at 1-800-786-1922, code 76142266#

4.8:30 - 9:15amBriefing on 2011 Fishery Forecasts and 2010 Fishery Retrospective: Bill Tweit, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife; and Ed Schriever, Idaho Department of Fish and
3.5mb PDF
updated 3/9
5.9:15 - 10amBriefing on Lamprey Passage and Sturgeon at Mainstem Federal Dams:  Mike Langeslay, Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of
2mb PDF
updated 3/9
6.10 - 10:45amUpdate on residential exchange:  Scott Corwin, Public Power Council; Phil Obenchain, Pacific Power Company; and Mark Gendron,
updated 3/9
7.10:45 - 11:15amRecommendations on Regional Technical Forum from Northwest Energy Efficiency Taskforcereview:  Bill Drummond, manager, Western Montana Electric G&T Cooperative,
updated 3/9
8. 11:15amCouncil Business: Approval of minutes 
 1:30 - 4pmCouncil work session to participate in a discussion of the RME/AP categorical review