Power Committee Web Conference Conservation Resources Advisory Committee Meeting

(Also see April 9 Power Committee meeting)

Monday, April 13 – 12:30pm

Tour of USGS’s Cook lab and Hemlock dam removal site visit on Trout Creek

Tuesday, April 14

Fish and Wildlife Committee – 9am – Baker Meeting Room

  • Update (70k PDF) on categorical reviews
  • Accord Reviews
    • Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Program, Project #2008-470-00 (tentative) - download (80k PDF)
    • Snake River fall Chinook - modify ponds at Lyons Ferry to improve adult holding, Project #2008-210-00 - download(60k PDF)
    • Sturgeon Strategic and Hatchery Master Plan, Project #2007-155-00 (tentative) - download (60k PDF)
    • Expanded Multi-Species Acclimation Wenatchee/Methow, Project #2009-001-00 (tentative) - download (70k PDF)
  • Quarterly Review (100k PDF) of Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation

Power Committee – 9am  – Cascade A Meeting Room

  • Review Chapter 8 - Portfolio Methodology (Schilmoeller) - download (170k PDF)
  • Review Chapter 10 - Climate Change Policies (Morlan, Fazio) - download (160k PDF)
  • Review Chapter 11 - Capacity and Flexibility (Gibson, Galbraith) - download (170k PDF)
  • Revised economic and demand forecasts - (Jourabchi) - download (70k PDF, updated 4/14)
  • Review conservation assumptions (Eckman, Grist) - download (440k PDF)
  • Future power system vision - (Morlan) - download (60k PDF)

Council Meeting – 1:30pm – Cascade A Meeting Room

  1:30 - 1:45pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
1.  1:45 - 2:15pm Council decision on accord reviews:  Mark Fritsch
  • Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Program, Project #2008-470-00 (tentative) - download (80k PDF)
  • Snake River fall Chinook - modify ponds at Lyons Ferry to improve adult holding, Project #2008-210-00 - download (60k PDF)
  • Sturgeon Strategic and Hatchery Master Plan, Project #2007-155-00 (tentative) - download (60k PDF)
  • Expanded Multi-Species Acclimation Wenatchee/Methow, Project #2009-001-00 (tentative) -download (70k PDF)
2. 2:15 - 2:45pm IEAB report on Fish and Wildlife Program and Power Plan interactions:  Dr. Joel Hamilton, Independent Economic Advisory Board. download
150k PDF
added 4/24
3. 2:45-3pm Council decision on BOG Management Group recommendation for Habitat and Biodiversity Information System for Columbia River Basin, #2003-072-00. Mark Fritsch download
80k PDF
4. 3pm Council business: Approval of minutes  

The Executive Committee will meet at 3pm to discuss the Council budget and the Council’s audit report in the Cascade A Meeting Room.

The Public Affairs Committee will meet at 3pm in the Baker Meeting Room

Wednesday, April 15

Continuation of Council Meeting – Cascade A Meeting Room

5.   8:30 - 11:30am Council work session on development of the Sixth Power Plan
  • NWEC Bright Future presentation (270k PDF):  Sara Patton and Steve Weiss, Northwest Energy Coalition
  • Comments from PNUCC
  • Future power system vision
  • Summary of power planning analysis and status
  • Major findings and issues in draft plan chapters
  • Action plan areas of focus

Noon – Continuation of Power Committee – Cascade A Meeting Room

  • Further discussion of Power Plan development
  • Complete unfinished agenda items from above

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.