In 2011 the RTF adopted Guidelines for RTF Savings Estimation Methods. Some 60 previously adopted unit energy savings (UES - formerly referred to as "deemed") measures are being reviewed to determine their conformance with the Guidelines. SBW Consulting its sub-contractors are conducting these reviews and producing recommendations memos to the RTF detailing what is required in order to update the measures under the new Guidelines. This includes a review of the underlying data and analysis for their comprehensiveness, the status of the workbooks documenting the savings, the accuracy of the estimates, and identifying the status of those measures under guidelines criteria.
UES Measures discussed at 3/13 and 4/17 RTF meeting. Note that the latest versions of the workbooks and recommendation memos can be found on the individual measure pages.
The following recomendations memos and measure work books have been reviewerd by SBW and RTF staff for consideration by the RTF.