This measure is the control of guest room HVAC systems, and possibly lighting and other plug loads, based on room occupancy. When a room is occupied guests would have full control of HVAC, lighting etc. When a room is unoccupied the HVAC system would automatically set back, the lights would shut off etc.
At the July 2020 RTF meeting the RTF opted to not pursue the development of this measure. They arrived at this decision for a number of reasons:
- Uncertainty in the baseline practices: Studies suggest that there could be significant savings potential, these savings are highly dependent on baseline energy practices, about which very little is known.
- Uncertainty in efficient case controls: There are a wide range of products on the market with varying capabilities, control settings and system defaults.
- Recent building code requirements: this measure is now required by three of the four Northwest state codes for both new construction and new HVAC equipment installed in existing hotels and motels, limiting long-term savings potential.
For more information about this decision, you can find the staff presentation to the RTF here.