Committee Meetings and Council Meeting via Webinar
Committee Meetings and Council Meeting via Webinar
10:00 AM Preliminary Results for our Test Case
  • Adequacy assessment for 2015
  • Development of State of the System report (what do we want them to see)
11:00 AM Finalization of Assumptions
  • Out-of-region markets
  • In-region markets
  • Purchase-ahead market
  • Sell-ahead market
  • Borrowed hydro
  • Wind data
  • Standby resources
  • Yellow-warning-status delineator
12:00 PM LUNCH - On your own
1:00 PM Discussion of Wind Data Options
  • Historical data (limited amount)
  • Synthetic data (BPA rate case, other BPA data)
  • Temperature-correlated synthetic data (not yet finalized)
  • PRT (consultants) synthetic data ($$$)
  • Other?
2:00 PM Update on Wind Studies
  • Impact on overgeneration
  • Impact on thermal and hydro dispatch
  • Wind effective load carrying capability (ELCC)
3:00 PM Schedule Next Meeting / Adjourn