Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting
Committee Meetings and Council Meeting
10:00am Summary of Steering Committee Meeting and Work Plan Review (Fazio)
>> Work Plan 
  • Phase I: Assessment Based on Current Standard (June ‘10)
  • Phase II: Revision of Standard and New Assessment (Oct ‘10)
10:30am NRF Preliminary Results (Jackson)
>> Presentation
11:15am NW Power Pool Summer Capacity Assessment (Rust)
>> Presentation
12:00pm LUNCH - On your own
1:00pm Status Report on Phase I items:
  • 2010 Adequacy Assessment  (Fazio)
  • Temperature Correlated Wind Data (Koehler)
  • Hydro Capacity Survey Contract (Koehler)
  • Revised Regional Hydro Capacity Data (Fazio)
1:45pm Characteristics of Curtailment Events (Fazio)
>> Event Summary
2:15pm Status Report on Phase II items:
3:00pm Schedule Next Meeting / Adjourn
Future Meetings of Interest:
>> NERC LOLE Meeting (April 27, Council Offices) | Agenda, Scope
>> Proposed Regional LOLP Workshop (TBA by Forum Steering Committee)