Steering Committee Technical Committee Co-Chair
9:00am Welcome and Orientation, Objectives of the SAAC
>> Introduction
9:30am A brief introduction to the Regional Portfolio Model (RPM)
>> RPM
>> Spinner graph (10mb Excel)
10:15am General nature of risk
>> Nature of risk
10:45am Break
11:00am Attributes of a risk model
>> Requirements of the Act
>> Requirements of risk modeling
12:00pm Lunch - On your own
1:00pm The Council’s implementation – Discussion will outline the reasons why the RPM needs specific features, such as high performance, the open-model representation of the region, certain economic assumptions and approaches to costing, architecture and use of the Excel platform, use of third-party software, and the primary risk metric.
>> The RPM solution
>> A choice of platform
2:30pm Issues with the RPM and potential areas for discussion at future meetings (8) – This covers some of the more controversial aspects of the RPM, such as the validation and the development of uncertainties and “futures,” the transmission representation, use and interpretation of the efficient frontier, minimum loading and start-up cost representations, and the treatment of regional adequacy.
  • Other issues, concerns, and interests of SAAC members - Participants will be asked to identify what areas they would like to see the SAAC address
>> Challenges and issues
3:15pm Discussion of next steps - Consensus on what areas to pursue as a committee and the order in which they should be examined
3:30pm Adjourn