Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting
Committee Meetings and Council Meeting

Meeting Action Items | Meeting Notes | Audio Recording - AM (28mb MP3)PM (32mb MP3)

10:00 AMIntroductions: Paul Norman, Facilitator
10:05 AMIntroductory Remarks: Steve Wright and Tom Karier, Co-Chairs
10:20 AMBriefing: Elliot Mainzer, BPA | Presentation
  • Major Wind Fleet Statistics, including economic and environmental consequences of wind energy to date
  • Future scenarios for additional wind development and other major system changes through 2020, including development for California
  • Integration challenges in four categories (Balancing, Oversupply, Transmission, Adequacy/Flexibility) including how these challenges may evolve through 2020
  • Survey of current activities to meet challenges (FERC NOPR and regional move toward shorter operating periods, ITAP, SWPP experience, ADI, wind forecasting improvements, energy imbalance markets, efficient dispatch toolkit, etc.)
11:20 AMPanel- Additional observations by entities with significant wind generation:  Stefan Bird (PacifiCorp), Dana Toulson (Snohomish PUD), Laura Beane (Iberdrola Renewables), and David Mills (Puget Sound Energy)
11:45 AMAdditional observations by Steering Committee members on recent and future challenges
12:00 PMLunch: Box lunch will be provided for Steering Committee members only. 
12:45 PMAdditional observations by Steering Committee members (continued)
1:15 PMAction Planning -- Open Steering Committee Discussion: What do we need to do to manage the challenges of additional wind development through the next 10 years in the context of other system changes?
2:45 PMNext Steps: Karier, Wright
3:00 PMAdjourn
Background Materials: