Tuesday, July 13, 1999
1. Introductions
2. Background: What's the RTF supposed to do and why.
- Congressional directive
- Comprehensive Review recommendations
- Support of Bonneville's Conservation and Renewables rate discount
3. RTF Charter, Organization and Protocols
- RTF decision-making process
- Meeting protocol and schedule
- Expectations of the members
- Staffing and expectations of the staff
4. Discussion of "Critical Path" Items
- Conservation
- Renewables
5. Discuss key issues and general approach to resolving them, e.g.
- Role of cost-effectiveness or power system value estimates
- Baseline: What's current practice?
- Reporting requirements
- Attribution: Who gets credit for consumer actions?
- Derivation of saving/output estimates
- Managing "the list" (timing and process for additions & removals, level of detail)
6. Discussion of workplan, staffing and timeline
7. Adjourn