RTF Meeting: November 9, 1999 RTF Meeting: January 11, 2000

9:30 AM Introductions, Announcements & Review of Agenda

  • Review of Revised September 14th Meeting Summary
  • Adoption of November 9th Meeting Summary
  • Set Next meeting date and location

9:45 Presentation & Discussion of Proposed Responses to Public Comment on Draft Screening Criteria and Measures Lists - Tom Eckman

11:00 Break

11:15 Presentation & Discussion of Revised Staffs? Straw Proposal On Major Issues Using Sample Measures ? Jeff Harris

12:00 Working Lunch (Order from Deli)

1:45 Continuation of Discussion Presentation & Discussion of Proposed Responses to Public Comment on Draft Screening Criteria and Measures Lists

2:00 Break

2:25 Discussion of Measure Aggregation for Tracking and Reporting

3:00 Adjourn

December 6, 1999


TO:          RTF Members

FROM:     Tom Eckman, Chair

SUBJECT: December 14th Agenda and Meeting Location

Attached is the proposed agenda and information on the location of the RTF's December 14th meeting in Olympia. The meeting will be held in the main conference room of the Board of Industrial Appeals located at 2430 Chandler Ct. SW. This building is located across the street from the WUTC. Directions and a map are included. As you can see from the agenda we will have a "working" lunch so come prepared to order off the attached "Deli" menu.

The draft meeting notes from our November 9th meeting were e-mailed to you early this week and are also available on the RTF's web site. Please review these to make sure we captured the decision on how to deal with measures that potentially impact fuel choice accurately.

The staffs? proposed responses to the public comment we received on the draft screening criteria and "comprehensive measures" list is attached for your review prior to the meeting. Also attached are a redlined version of the revised criteria and measures list and a zip file containing the full set of public comments.

A revised "straw" proposal will also be e-mailed to you by Ken Corum under separate cover.