Guidelines Subcommittee Meeting: November 17, 2017 Guidelines Subcommittee Meeting


The purpose of this meeting is to review the staff recommended changes to the Guidelines and get subcommittee agreement:

  • Those changes that staff should bring forward to the RTF for consideration at the January meeting
  • Those items that should not be brought forward at this time, but rather be added to the tracker for consideration in the next round or removed


Staff would like to focus the discussion on the outstanding questions and any specific concerns that subcommittee members have with the proposed changes or recommendations. Staff does not plan to go through each change line by line on the call. Instead, staff is asking the subcommittee to review the materials in advance and come prepared with any sections (outside of the "Outstanding Questions" noted) that they would like to discuss. 

To help focus the pre-work, staff has compiled a Summary of Proposed Changes, which identifies the outstanding questions, noteworthy changes, and staff recommendations. 


In addition to the summary of proposed changes, staff has created clean, annotated versions of all chapters of the Guidelines to aid review. For the Roadmap, Savings, and Lifetime volumes, staff has also created redline versions to show track changes.