Committee Meetings and Council Meeting Fish Passage Center Oversight Board meeting
10:00am Introductions, Announcements, & Review of Agenda 
  • Set Meeting Schedule
10:15am Overview of the Sixth Power Plan and Role of the Generating Resources Advisory Committee (Jeff King)
  • Purpose & Scope
  • Key Issues
  • Schedule
11:00am Preliminary Sixth Power Plan Wholesale Price & CO2 Forecast (Maury Galbraith)
  • Modeling approach
  • Data and Assumptions
  • Findings
  • Next Steps
11:50 Break for Lunch - On Your Own
1:00pm Proposed Planning Assumptions - Aeroderivative Simple-Cycle Combustion Turbines (King)
1:40pm Proposed Planning Assumptions - Heavy-Duty Simple-Cycle Combustion Turbines (King)
2:00pm Proposed Planning Assumptions - Reciprocating Engine Generators (Galbraith)
2:20pm Assessment of Operating and Maintenance Costs (Galbraith)
2:40pm Wrap-Up (King)
3:00pm Adjourn