RTF PAC Meeting Committee Meetings and Council Meeting
  Follow up on RME and AP category review


  • Tagging Forum
  • Sturgeon
  • Estuary
  • Ocean
  • Lamprey
  • CHaMP
  • CHREET - clarification from NOAA-Fisheries
  Recovery planning


Update from NOAA on the status of Recovery Planning for ESA-listed Salmon and Steelhead populations in the Columbia basin (Tentative - Dr. Scott Rumsey, NOAA-Fisheries)

  Prioritize Program Amendment preparation tasks for 2012-13


The committee and staff will have a ‘zero-base’ discussion of the requirements of the Northwest Power Act, its amendments, and significant interpretations of key elements of the Act by the courts. This discussion will serve to orient the Committee in preparation for the next Program amendment. The Committee and staff will also discuss existing Fish and Wildlife Program goals and objectives.

  1. Overview of biological objectives


    1. Coordination with the FCRPS BiOp, other BiOps and Recovery Plans
    2. Relationship to the MERR and HLIs
  2. Subbasin Plans


    1. Status and future plans for ‘mining’ the plans and making the information easily accessible on the Council’s website
    2. Updates to subbasin plans
  3. Habitat restoration. Consider ties to:


    1. CHaMP, ISEMP, IMWs and Tetra Tech’s work for WA, OR and BPA
    2. Geographic review and Expert Panels
  4. Supplementation



    1. Wild and hatchery fish interactions
    2. Idaho Supplementation Study and Hatchery Scientific Review Group results
    3. Council criteria resulting from the recent RM&E / AP category review
  5. Predation


    1. Current conditions
    2. Native fish versus non-native fish including lake trout
  6. Integration of the ISAB’s Food Web report into the Council’s evaluation and decision-making processes
  7. Update the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Research Plan
  Project reviews for 2012-13


Completion of category review on Resident Fish/Blocked Areas/Data/Coordination

Initiation of Geographic Reviews - Fall 2012 - link to BPA’s Expert Panels