Committee Meetings and Council Meeting Technical Committee

Please note: The July Committee meetings are held a week before the Council meeting.

  • July 7 — Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting via teleconference
  • July 8 — Power Committee via teleconference

There will be space available at the Council Central Office for participation in both committee meetings. The Council Meeting will be held July 14 at the Council Central Office.

Wednesday, July 7

Fish and Wildlife Committee – 9:00am – web conference
GoToMeeting:, 1.800.786.1922, guest code 25249455

  • Revision approach and status for the draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Reporting Plan (Leonard)
  • Discussion of a draft letter from the Council to the ISRP highlighting policies that should be considered during the categorical review
  • Project Reviews (Fritsch)
    • Quarterly
      • Quarterly Review of Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation
    • Bi-Op Projects: Fast Track Follow-up
      • Project #2010-033-00, Estimate the Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery and Natural Origin Steelhead in the Methow River Basin
    • Accord Projects
      • Project #2008-307-00, Deschutes Basin Sockeye
      • Project #2008-524-00 (updated 7/7), Implement Tribal Pacific Lamprey Restoration Plan

Thursday, July 8

Power Committee – 8:30am – web conference
GoToMeeting:, 1.800.786.1922, guest code 58779614#

    • Status report (90k PDF) on resource adequacy (Fazio)
    • Short-term demand forecast (190k PDF) (Jourabchi)
    • Analysis of rates and bills forecast in the Sixth Power Plan (Morlan)
    • Status report (200k PDF) on direct use of gas study (Schilmoeller)
    • Discussion (100k PDF) of RTF recommendations from NEET