Demand Response Workshop
Demand Response Workshop






Cost-effectiveness of demand response
    1. Quick review of estimates of long run avoided cost
    2. Do we have consensus of LR avoided cost as good basis for DR cost effectiveness?
    3. What would a comprehensive estimation method look like?
10:45 Break


11:00    More cost-effectiveness
    4. Unresolved questions
       a. Traders don't think much DR is cost-effective (see paper)
       b. Can DR be dispatched to allow market sales?
    5. Can we say anything about the cost effectiveness of pricing mechanisms (e.g. critical peak pricing, TOU, RTP)?


More cost-effectiveness
    6. What about benefits of DR not captured in above methods?
       a. T&D costs
       b. Mitigation of market power
       c. Reduced volatility of energy prices
       d. Environmental effects
2:00 Recent developments in demand response
    1. Analysis of response to compensation in PNW demand buy back programs (Hossein Haeri)
    2. GridWise controller and Olympic Peninsula pilot (Marc Ledbetter)
    3. Puget Sound Energy's approach to capacity needs in their current IRP (Bill Hopkins)
    4. Research projects being initiated by the Demand Response Research Center (Roger Levy)

