Committee Meetings and Council Meeting System Analysis Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting Minutes from this meeting as of 09/10/2013


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9:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions – Tom Eckman and Charlie Grist

  • Purpose and Role of CRAC
  • Review Minutes from November 19, 2012 CRAC Meeting

9:45 AM – Review & Discussion of Draft CRAC Work Scope & Schedule

  • Seventh Plan development timeline
  • Major technical elements for CRAC review (tentative, pending CRAC review)
    • Conservation resource cost-effectiveness inputs
    • Impact on remaining technical and achievable potential
      • Past programs
      • State codes and federal standards
      • Market trends, baseline forecast, stock turnover assumptions
      • Emerging technology
  • Conservation resource development assumptions
    • Ramp rates
    • Maximum achievable potential (5 year & 20 year)
    • Conservation development decision rules in portfolio modeling
    • Seventh Plan energy efficiency action items

10:45 AM – Review and Discussion of Lessons Learned from Sixth Plan Resource Analysis

  • Factors affecting conservation resource development
    • Size & shape of lost-opportunity and non-lost opportunity supply curves
    • Wholesale market prices
    • Carbon cost/risk
    • Load growth
    • Acquisition ramp rate assumptions
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Market price adder for cost-effectiveness - how it operates as a decision rule

11:45 AM – Lunch (On Your Own)

1:15 PM – Review Sixth Plan Conservation Resource Development Model Decision Rules

  • Modeling perceived avoided cost by using short-run “rolling average” market price
  • Non-lost opportunity ramp rate constraints
  • Modeling “sticky-downward” limits on lost-opportunity resource development
  • Modeling the ten percent Regional Act credit for conservation
  • Modeling capacity value - Shape of the energy savings
  • Sampling the Non-Lost-Opportunity Supply Curve
  • Exploring the constituent elements of the market price adder for cost-effectiveness to minimize the under- and over-development of conservation
  • Identifying high-priority technical analyses or sensitivity studies for Seventh Plan

2:45 PM – Roundtable Discussion and Prioritization of Energy Efficiency Policy Issues

  • Should the Seventh Plan have a conservation target?
      • If so, should the target have a range? What does a range mean?
      • What is the role of a Plan target relative Bonneville?
    • Business case for energy efficiency
    • Regulatory issues (decoupling, lost revenue recovery, etc.)
    • Application of TRC and UCT/PAC tests
      • Impact on cost-effectiveness and supply curves
      • Measure, program and/portfolio cost-effectiveness
    • Should achievable fraction be limited by utility willingness to pay?
    • Implications of potential changes in Council methodology for Washington I-937
    • Does EE reduce RPS requirements?  Should EE substitute for RPS?
    • Others Identified by CRAC                                                                                     

3:30 – Adjourn

Event contact: Chad Madron