Committee Meetings and Council Meeting Committee Meetings and Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 7

Fish and Wildlife Committee - 9am - Limelight C Room

  • Discussion (60k PDF) on proposed Fish and Wildlife Program Indicators: Nancy Leonard Project reviews and within-year adjustments
    • Quarterly Review (60k PDF):  Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation (FY 2009 4th quarter, for November Decision)
    • Follow-Up (40k PDF):  Montana Bitterroot and Blackfoot subbasins submittals
  • Discussion (60k PDF) with ISRP chair to focus ISRP retrospective analysis of past year results

Power  Committee - 9am - Columbine A&B Room

  • Bonneville’s release (140k PDF) of the Resource Program on Sept. 30 (Mark Gendron, Steve Oliver - BPA)
  • Natural gas price forecast revisions (90k PDF)
  • General changes (200k PDF, updated 10/5) in the economic forecast
  • Update (730k PDF, updated 10/6) on Direct Use of Gas study and its implications in the Draft Sixth Power Plan
  • California wind policy impact (90k PDF) on Northwest
  • Discussion (180k PDF) on carbon price assumptions for the final power plan
  • Discussion (60k PDF, updated 10/6) of RTF funding for 2010

Council Meeting  - 1:30pm - Limelight C Room

  1:30 - 1:45pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
1.  1:45 - 2:30pm Panel presentation by Idaho Consumer-Owned Utilities Association: Will Hart, Executive Director, ICUA; Jim Webb: CEO Lower Valley Energy; Fred Brog: Director, Lower Valley Energy; Ralph Williams: General Manager, United Electric; Jo Elg, assistant manager, Idaho Falls Power and ICUA Board president; and Eric Anderson: director Northern Lights Electric and state representative in Idaho. download
570k PDF
added 10/14
  2:30-2:45pm Break  
2. 2:45 - 3:45pm Presentation by Steve Wright, Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration; Barry Thom, Acting Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Region; and J. William (Bill) McDonald, Pacific Northwest Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation. download
1.8m PowerPoint
added 10/8
3. 3:45 - 4:15pm Update on the research at the Collaborative Center for Applied Fish Science, Hagerman, Idaho: Shawn Narum and Jon Hess, CRITFC; and Matthew Campbell, IDFG. download
7mb PDF
added 10/9
4. 4:15pm Council decision on proposed fish and wildlife program indicators: Nancy Leonard, Fish, Wildlife and Ecosystem Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. download
2.5m PowerPoint
added 10/8

The Executive Committee will meet in Executive Session regarding internal personnel matters at the close of business on Wednesday, October 7, 2009.

Thursday, October 8 - Continuation of Council Meeting

5.  8:30 - 9am Briefing on comments received on the draft Sixth Power Plan and possible Bonneville release of the resource program: Terry Morlan, director, power division. download
60k PDF
6.  9 - 9:30am Update on changes for the final Sixth Power Plan: Terry Morlan, director, power division. download
80k PDF
7.  9:30 - 10am Update on the Idaho sockeye program and 2009 adult returns: Paul Kline, assistant chief of fisheries, Idaho Department of Fish and Game. download
3.7mb PDF
added 10/12
8.  10am Council business:
  • Approval of minutes
  • Request for Council approval of IEAB Task 153 (80k PDF)

10:30am — Council Member and Council Staff tour of Redfish Lake sockeye salmon spawning and rearing habitat.

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.