Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting Steering Committee Dynamic Transfer Capability Webinar

Council Members will meet with representatives of the Columbia Basin Trust from 4:30 to 5:30pm on Monday, November 7 in Boardroom 8.

The Power Committee will meet on Tuesday morning, November 8, in a closed-session retreat to discuss the long-term work plan and staff resources for the Council’s Power Division.

Tuesday, November 8

Fish Committee – 8:30am – Bay Four Meeting Room

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 25249455

  • Follow-up discussion of the items and issues from the November 2 Committee meeting (TG and staff)
  • Overview of Hatchery Science Review Group implementation (Paul Kline, IDFG, Peter Paquet)
  • Discussion on Supplementation (TG, BPA, NOAA Fisheries, others)
  • Update on the progress of Category Reviews (LP)
  • Update on the Subbasin Plan Survey (PO)
  • Project Reviews: Quarterly Review of Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation

  Council Meeting – 1:30pm – Bay Four Meeting Room

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 76142266


1:30 - 1:45pm

Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Bill Booth, chair, fish and wildlife committee; Tom Karier, chair, power committee; and Rhonda Whiting, chair, public affairs committee.


1:45 - 2:15pm

Update on Columbia Basin Trust activities: Garry Merkel, chair, Columbia Basin Trust.


2:15 - 3pm

Presentation by Idaho Department of Fish and Game:  Virgil Moore, Director.   


3 - 3:15pm



3:15 - 4pm

Presentation on Idaho Draft Energy Plan:  Idaho State Representative George Eskridge, Co-chair of the Interim Energy, Environment and Technology Committee.


4 - 4:45pm

Presentation (updated 11/4) by Independent Economic Advisory Board on Potential Benefits of Irrigation Efficiency for Fish and Power:  John Duffield, Chair, IEAB.

The Executive Committee will meet in Executive Session at the close of business on Tuesday, November 8, to discuss internal personnel matters.

Wednesday, November 9

Continuation of Council Meeting – 8:30am – Bay Four Meeting Room

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 76142266


8:30 - 9am

Council decision on Project Reviews: Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation.

 Quarterly Review of Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation


9 - 9:30am

Update on Category Reviews:  Lynn Palensky, program development.



9:30 - 10am

Briefing (updated 11/3) on RTF Policy Advisory Committee recommendations:  Terry Morlan, director, power division.


10 - 10:15am

Update on direct use of natural gas policy paper:  Terry Morlan.



Council Business:

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change.

Public comment will be taken on each issue as time allows.