Fish Passage Center Oversight Board meeting Demand Forecast Meeting

Tuesday, November 18

Power Committee - 8:30am - North Cape Room

Fish Committee - 8:30am - Bay 4 Room

  • Presentation on Mitchell Act funding - Bob Turner, NOAA Fisheries
    In response to a request by the Fish and Wildlife Committee chair at the previous Council meeting, Bob Turner of NOAA-Fisheries will discuss Mitchell Act funding issues.
  • Recommendation (200k PDF) on within-year project funding adjustments
  • Update (200k PDF) on the project review process
  • Discussion of guidance document for ISRP review of Accord projects:
    Staff will discuss the elements of a guidance document for the Council, Bonneville, and signatories to the Accords. The document would describe how and when the Accord projects will undergo scientific review. Staff is developing a draft guidance document for review by the Committee at this meeting.
  • Update on the John Day subbasin monitoring review
    Council staff will provide an update on progress made towards coordinating the monitoring and evaluation efforts for habitat restoration projects in the John Day subbasin
  • Presentation on Kootenai Master plans by Sue Ireland
    Sue Ireland, Fish and Wildlife Director of the Fish and Wildlife Department with the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, will provide a presentation regarding the soon-to-be-submitted master plan addressing the restoration and conservation for sturgeon and burbot.

Council Meeting - 1:30pm - Bay 4 Room

1.  1:30 - 2pm Presentation on plug-in hybrid vehicles:  Dr. Michael Kintner-Meyer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. download
(650k PDF)
  2 - 2:15 Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
2. 2:15 - 3 Update on Bonneville Power Administration initiatives:  Mark Gendron, Bonneville Power Administration. download
(60k PDF)
  3 - 3:15 Break  
3. 3:15 - 3:45 Update on the status of Northwest Energy Efficiency Task Force: Ken Canon. download
(60k PDF)
4. 3:45 Public comment on Preliminary Draft Fuel Prices for the Sixth Power Plan (Council document 2008-14). download
(60k PDF)
    Public comment on the Council’s draft fish and wildlife program amendments(Council document 2008-11).  

Wednesday, November 19 - Continuation of Council Meeting - 8:30am

5.  8:30 - 9am Council decision on within-year project funding adjustments:  Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation. download
(200k PDF)
6. 9 - 9:30 Status report on issues for the Sixth Power Plan:  Terry Morlan, director, power division. download
(170k PDF)
  9:30 - 9:45 Break  
7. 9:45 - 10:15 Presentation by Alcoa on proposed principles for electricity service:  Jack Speer, Speer Energy Consulting LLC; Mike Rousseau, Intalco Plant Manager; and Mike Dotten, attorney for Alcoa. download
(70k PDF)
8. 10:15 - 10:45 Presentation by the Public Power Council on service to direct service industries:  Scott Corwin, executive director, Public Power Council. download
(70k PDF)
9. 10:45 - 11 Update on the draft Fish and Wildlife Program amendment process:  Patty O’Toole, program implementation manager; Sandra Hirotsu, senior counsel; and Lynn Palensky, program planning and special projects coordinator. download
(80k PDF)
10.  11 - 11:15 Update on High-Level Indicators:  Tom Karier, Washington Council Member; and Nancy Leonard, fish, wildlife and ecosystem monitoring and evaluation manager.
     We will brief the Council on the progress to date regarding the High Level Indicators. The update will inform Council Members on the implementation indicators, progress on the development of the harvest indicators, and work underway to secure status and trend information.

     Metrics proposed for deriving the Council's High Level Implementation Indicators are posted for public comments on the Council website. The comment period ends December 3, 2008.

11. 11:15 Council business: Approval of minutes  

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.