Fish Passage Center Oversight Board meeting Committee Meetings and Council Meeting

Tuesday, May 13

Council Meeting - Renaissance Room

1.  9am - Noon Council work session on Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program amendments

Power Committee - Empire Room - 1:30pm

  • Introduction (240k PDF) to decision making under uncertainty and cost-risk trade offs
  • Discussion (100k PDF) of fuel switching (fuel choice) issue and analysis
  • Assessing the natural gas price forecast (390k PDF)
  • Presentation (200k PDF) on demand response
  • Presentation (350k PDF, updated 5/9) on energy implications of data centers
  • Summary (80k PDF, updated 5/9) of Power Division contracting, Fiscal Year 2008
  • What to expect this year on power plan activities (70k PDF, updated 5/9)

Fish Committee - Renaissance Room - 1:30pm

  • Recommendations on within-year Project Adjustments for Implementation
  • Recommendation on follow-up action for Fiscal Year 2007 - 2009 projects
    • Project 1984-021-00, Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project (70k PDF)

The Executive Committee will meet in Executive Session at the close of business on Tuesday, May 13, in the Renaissance Room.

The Public Affairs Committee will meet at the close of business on Tuesday, May 13, in the Empire Room.

Wednesday, May 14

Council Meeting -Renaissance Room - 8:30am

  8:30 - 8:45am Welcome to Walla Walla by Lt. Colonel Anthony J. Hofmann, District Commander,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  
  8:45 - 9am Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chair:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
2. 9 - 9:30am Presentation on carbon sequestration demonstration project:  Peter McGrail, Pacific Northwest Labs. download
1.4m PDF
updated 5/12
3. 9:30 - 9:45am Briefing on conservation achievement report for 2006 and 2007:  Tom Eckman, conservation resources manager; and Charlie Grist, senior analyst. download
230k PDK
  9:45 - 10am Break  
4. 10 - 10:30am Report on Northwest Energy Efficiency Task Force (NEET):  Ken Canon, Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities. download
100k PDF
5. 10:30 - 11am Presentation on the structure and role of the Regional Technical Forum:  Tom Eckman; and Charlie Grist. download
120k PDF
6. 11 - 11:30am Presentation by Grant Public Utility District regarding new FERC License for the Priest Rapids Project: Joe Lukas, Sr. Policy Advisor; and Denny Rohr, consultant to Grant PUD. download
1mb PDF
7. 11:30am Public comment on Council’s draft Fiscal Year 2008 revised budget and Fiscal Year 2009 proposed budget (Council document 2008-04).  
8. 1 - 2pm Presentation by NOAA Fisheries on FCRPS/Snake BiOps, U.S. v Oregon, recovery plan completion and implementation, recommendations to amend fish and wildlife program:  Bob Lohn, regional administrator; Rob Walton, assistant regional administrator, salmon recovery division; and Bruce Suzumoto, assistant regional administrator, hydropower division.  
9. 2 - 2:30pm Briefing on the annual ISRP retrospective:  Dr. Eric Loudenslager, chair, ISRP; Dr. Pete Bisson, vice-chair, ISRP; Linda Hardesty, ISRP member; and Rich Alldredge, ISRP member. download
40k PDF
10.  2:30 - 2:45pm Update on M&E and data management high-level indicators:  Dr. Tom Karier, Washington Council Member. download
150k PDF
updated 5/12
11. 2:45 - 3pm Update on Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s strategic planning outreach process:  Dr. Tom Karier. download
710k PDF
  3 - 3:15pm Break  
12. 3:15 - 3:45pm Council decision on within-year project adjustments for implementation:  Mark Fritsch, manager, project implementation.  
13. 3:45 - 4pm Council decision on follow-up action for Fiscal Year 2007 - 2009 projects:  Mark Fritsch.
  • Project 1984-021-00, Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project
70k PDF
14. 4pm Council business:
  • Approval of minutes
  • Council decision to release Council’s draft annual report to the Northwest governors on expenditures of the Bonneville Power Administration for public comment

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.