IEAB Meeting CWT Eraser Exercise

Council Central Offices
851 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, Oregon 97204

Tuesday, March 12

Fish and Wildlife Committee - 8:30am - large conference room

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922 code 25249455

  • Program Amendment - committee review of draft announcement and request for recommendations letter
  • Update on Ocean and Plume research workshop and forum
  • Update on geographic review
  • Columbia River Eulachon (smelt) update on this ESA listed species – Robert Anderson, NOAA Fisheries
  • Update on progress on Lamprey Synthesis Report
  • Update on PNAMP’s Monitoring Resources website
  • Update from Streamnet – Bruce Schmidt
  • Coordinated Assessment update/discussion

Power Committee - 8:30am - small conference room

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code: 58779614

The Council will meet in Executive Session at the close of business of the Committee Meetings on Tuesday, March 12 to discuss internal personnel matters.

Council Meeting - 1:30pm - large/small conference rooms

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 76142266

  1:30 - 1:45pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Phil Rockefeller, chair, fish and wildlife committee; and Jim Yost, chair, power committee; Henry Lorenzen, public affairs committee.
1. 1:45 - 2:15pm Remarks from Bill Drummond, Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration.
2. 2:15 - 2:45pm Briefing on Bonneville Power Administration White Book and Resource Program:  Tina Ko and Robert Petty, Bonneville.
3. 2:45 - 3:15pm Presentation on oversupply management for 2013:  Steve Kerns, Bonneville Power Administration
  3:15 - 3:30pm Break
4. 3:30 - 4:15pm Briefing (updated 3/14) on 2013 Columbia River Basin fish run forecasts and 2012 fishery retrospective:  Dan Rawding, WDFW; Ed Schriever, IDFG and Brian Burke, NOAA.
5. 4:15 - 4:45pm Council decision on revised Regional Technical Forum Conflicts of Interest Policy and corresponding RTF charter amendment:  Charlie Black, director, power division; and Jim West, RTF chair.
6. 4:45  - 5pm Council decision on renewal of the RTF Policy Advisory Committee charter:  Charlie Black and Jim West.

The Executive Committee and the Public Affairs Committee will meet at the close of  business on Tuesday, March 12.

Wednesday, March 13 - 8:30am

Continuation of Council Meeting, large and small conference rooms

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 76142266

7. 8:30 - 8:45am Council decision to adopt Mid-Term Assessment Report: Charlie Black.
8. 8:45 - 9:45am Briefing on regional energy efficiency implementation: Charlie Grist; Susan Stratton, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; and Margie Harris, Energy Trust of Oregon.
  9:45 - 10am Break
9. 10 - 11am Presentation (updated 3/14) by the Independent Scientific Advisory Board on the 2009 Fish and Wildlife Program:  Erik Merrill; Rich Alldredge, ISAB chair; and Chris Wood and Greg Ruggerone, ISAB.
10.    11 - 11:45am Council decision (updated 3/12) on Fish and Wildlife Program amendment announcement and call for recommendations:  Tony Grover, director, fish and wildlife division; and Patty O’Toole, program implementation manager.
11.    11:45am - 12:30pm Briefing and primer on generating resources:  Charlie Black; Steve Simmons, energy analyst; and Gillian Charles, energy policy analyst.
12.    12:30pm Continuation of Council Business:
  • Approval of minutes
  • Update on May 15 Mussel Summit
  • Election of Council Vice-chair

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change.

Public comment will be taken on each issue as time allows.