Committee Meetings and Council Meeting Demand Forecast Meeting

Tuesday, June 10

Council meeting - Early Bird Room - 8:30am

8:30 - 8:45am Report on meeting with the Columbia Basin Trust:  Bruce Measure, Council Vice Chair; and Garry Merkel, Chair, Columbia Basin Trust.
8:45am - 10:30am Comment on recommendations on the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program amendments.
10:30am - Noon Council work session on Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program amendments.
Lunch break  
1:30 - 4pm Continuation of Council work session on Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program amendments.

The Executive Committee will meet in Executive Session at the close of business on
Tuesday, June 10, in the Early Bird Room.

Wednesday, June 11

Power Committee - Flowerfield Room - 9am

  • Short-term demand forecast (160k PDF, updated 6/9) (Jourabchi)
  • Resource adequacy assessment (500k PDF) (Fazio)
  • Analysis (195k PDF, updated 6/9) of higher fuel price assumptions on marginal CO2 rates (Galbraith, King)
  • Introduction (245k PDF) to conservation assessment (Eckman, Grist, Jourabchi)

Fish Committee - Early Bird Room - 9am

  • Review (110k PDF) of the follow-up actions from the Fiscal Year 2007 - 2009 recommendations
  • Status of the resource report - CBFWA

Continuation of Council Meeting - Early Bird Room - 1pm

  1 - 1:15pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Rhonda Whiting chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  


1:15 - 1:45pm Briefing on Bonneville Power Administration transmission activity:  Brian Silverstein, Bonneville Power Administration. download
1mb PDF
2. 1:45 - 2:15pm Presentation by Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee on Northwest Regional Forecast:  Dick Adams, Executive Director. download
220k PDF
3. 2:15 -2:45pm Presentation by the EPA on the draft “State of the River” report on the Columbia River:  Ann Williamson, Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Assessment and Mike Cox, Manager, Risk Assessment Unit, Office of Environmental Assessment, Region X.   download
50k PDF
updated 6/13
  2:45 - 3pm Break  
4. 3 - 3:30pm Presentation by NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center on the effects of toxic contaminants on salmonids:  Dr. Tracy Collier, Director of the Environmental Conservation Division, NOAA Science Center. download
60k PDF
5. 3:30 - 3:45pm Council decision to release high level biological and implementation indicators report for public comment:  Dr. Tom Karier, Washington Council Member, will present to the Council draft high level biological and implementation indicators and seek Council concurrence to release the indicators for public comment. A meeting to discuss the indicators occurred in Spokane on Thursday, May 29th, which made it impossible to include the final document in this packet. It will be distributed to Council members before the Council meeting on June 11. download
10k PDF
6. 3:45 - 4pm Public comment on Council’s draft Fiscal Year 2009 revised budget and Fiscal Year 2010 proposed budget (Council document 2008-04).  
7. 4pm Council Business:
  • Approval of minutes
  • Approval of final report to the governors on Bonneville fish and wildlife expenditures
  • Approval of appointment of  Brian Marotz of Montana to the Fish Passage Center Oversight Board

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.