Steering Committee Steering Committee

Tuesday, January 12

Fish and Wildlife Committee  – small conference room – 8:30am

  • Update (60k PDF) on RM&E categorical review and Fast track process
  • Discussion (60k PDF) on Draft Fish and Wildlife Program Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Reporting (MERR) Framework.
  • Discussion (1.2mb PDF) on Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project #2002-002-00 (Sue Ireland)
  • Project Reviews
    • Within-year Project Funding Adjustments for Implementation (60k PDF)
    • Accord Proposals:
      • Project #2007-007-00 (70k PDF), Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River subbasins, Oregon
      • Project #2008-904-00 (70k PDF), Salmon River Basin Nutrient Enhancement
      • Project #2008-111-00 (70k PDF), Twin Lakes Enhancement Proposal
      • Project #2009-009-00 (70k PDF), Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation – Phase I
      • Project #2009-002-00 (70k PDF), Yakama Nation Status and Trend Annual Report (STAR)
      • Project #2009-001-00 (70k PDF), Expanded Multi-Species Acclimation in the Wenatchee/Methow Basins

      • Project #2008-458-00 (70k PDF), Upper Columbia Kelt Reconditioning Program
      • Project #2008-301-00 (70k PDF), Deschutes River Restoration Program
  • Update (70k PDF) on Idaho’s plan to develop a new sockeye salmon production hatchery and to discuss the Council’s 3-step process. 

Power Committee – large conference room – 8:30am

  • Update on analysis status
  • Discussion of Final Plan changes
    • Summary of resource strategy and new Chapter 10 (see Council item 6a)
    • Appendix M changes (see Council item 6c)
    • Status of writing (see Council item 6d)

Council Meeting  – large and small conference rooms  – 1:30pm

  1:30 – 1:45pm Reports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Rhonda Whiting, chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Dick Wallace, chair, public affairs committee.  
1. 1:45 – 2:15pm Discussion on Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project #2002-002-00: Sue Ireland, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho; Greg Delwiche, Bonneville Power Administration; and Frances Coffey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. download
1.2mb PDF
2. 2:15 – 3pm

Council decision on Project Reviews: Mark Fritsch

Accord Proposals:

  • Project #2007-007-00 (70k PDF), Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River subbasins,Oregon
  • Project #2008-904-00 (70k PDF), Salmon River Basin Nutrient Enhancement
  • Project #2008-111-00 (70k PDF), Twin Lakes Enhancement Proposal
  • Project #2009-009-00 (70k PDF), Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation – Phase I
  • Project #2009-002-00 (70k PDF), Yakama Nation Status and Trend Annual Report (STAR)
  • Project #2009-001-00 (70k PDF), Expanded Multi-Species Acclimation in the Wenatchee/Methow Basins

  • Project #2008-458-00 (70k PDF), Upper Columbia Kelt Reconditioning Program
  • Project #2008-301-00 (70k PDF), Deschutes River Restoration Program
  3 – 3:15pm Break  
3. 3:15 – 3:30pm Update on RM&E category review and fast-track process: Lynn Palensky, Program Planning and Special Projects Coordinator. download(60k PDF)
4. 3:30 – 4pm Update on Idaho’s plan to develop a new sockeye salmon production hatchery and to discuss the Council’s 3-step process:  Paul Kline, Idaho Department of Fish and Game. download(70k PDF)
5. 4pm Summary of power plan changes:  Terry Morlan, director, power division.  

The Executive Committee will meet in Executive Session at the close of business on Tuesday, January 12, 2010.

Wednesday, January 13

Continuation of Council Meeting – large and small conference rooms – 8:30am

6.  8:30am – Noon Working session on Draft Sixth Power Plan Issues: Terry Morlan.

Discussion of Final Plan changes:

  • a) Summary of resource strategy and new Chapter 10 (download 180k PDF)
  • b) Adequacy and reliability of the resource strategy (download 200k PDF)
  • c) Appendix M changes (download 60k PDF)
  • d) Status of writing (download 140k PDF)
7. Noon Council decision on adoption of final Sixth Power Plan (tentative):  Terry Morlan.
8. 12:15pm Council Business:
  • Approval of minutes
  • Approval of IEAB task order (80k PDF) on potential economic impact of Quagga and Zebra mussel damage.
  • Election of officers

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change. Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.