Snohomish PUD Comments
Thank you for offering stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the proposed 2015 workplan. Snohomish recognizes that the RTF has made significant improvement in managing meetings and accomplishing its tasks. We anticipate many more positive contributions from the new manager and look forward to continuing our collaboration.
Regional Coordination
As the RTF continues developing its modeling tools and refreshing the UES measure library, it is important to note that these tasks have impacts around the region. The recent SEEM calibration exercise is an example of a successfully executed technical work plan, coupled with good meeting moderation, which kept the discussion focused on the RTF’s task. However, the results themselves created a stir as the impending program impacts became clear.
We recommend that the RTF increase efforts to keep regional conservation leadership apprised of pending analyses and other future developments that are material to conservation planning and implementation.
SEEM Calibration in 2015
The results of the SEEM Phase I and II calibration efforts have much acknowledged uncertainty. Stakeholders have proposed a Phase III calibration task to understand the deficiencies in Phases I and II and the limits of applicability of SEEM, which is not currently reflected in the workplan. We suggest the RTF continue its ongoing effort to scope these tasks and articulate them in the workplan.
Analysis Processes
The current RTF workflow is characterized by ongoing RTF contract staff work punctuated by no more than monthly RTF review. While some work is done during the month by subcommittees, much RTF meeting time focuses on technical issues raised by RTF members. Because such technical issues are hard to resolve in the RTF meeting, they provide staff work for the upcoming month.
We advise the RTF to consider moving technical issue identification and analysis into working groups led by RTF contract staff and assisted by select and volunteer RTF participants. RTF meetings would then focus on the presentation of recommendations and decisions to adopt, reject, table, or postpone consideration of those recommendations. This change could strengthen results and reduce process delays, making the RTF a more responsive and efficient organization.
New Measure Pipeline
As conservation efforts in the region achieve continued success, the baseline will likely continue to increase. This has typically resulted in decreasing UES values over time. While the RTF has had strong success in decreasing savings values, there is a lack of equal focus on the new technology pipeline. The RTF may consider taking a more aggressive approach to identification of pipeline measures and emerging technologies with the region.
Thank you again for providing this clear and concise workplan for 2015 and for the opportunity to review and comment.
Bonneville Comments
Existing Measure Review and Updates
Updating standard protocols:
- The CVR and VO protocols have not been implemented in the region, instead, utilities are mostly doing this as custom projects. There may not be regional value in updating these protocols at this time.
- Given the amount of work happening on the SIS protocol outside of the RTF, there may be less funding for this protocol needed in 2015. However, when the regional research begins to comes in, we expect that there may be an increased need for contract analyst work in 2016 or 2017.
Bring Provisional Protocols to Proven Category:
- The notes for this section states that this is a placeholder for grocery refrigeration. With the deactivation of this protocol, is this funding still needed?
New Measure Development and Review
Review new UES measures:
- BPA expects to begin bringing ‘planning’ measures to the RTF in 2015. We suggest increasing this number from 6 to something closer to 10, as we plan to utilize the planning and provisional status more.
Review new standard protocols:
- It is likely that a new provisional protocol may be ready this year for ACEEE extended motor product labeling, which may not be currently considered in the work plan.
Tool Development
- Given all of the recent work and regional attention around SEEM, may be worth considering adding additional funding for this area.
Website, Database support, Conservation Tracking
Annual Regional Conservation Tracking Report:
- There has been positive reaction and regional support to the 6 Going on 7 project, where BPA collected detailed regional savings and cost data. In addition to the sector level data collected through the RCP, there may be the potential for the RTF to take over the detailed data collection and mapping work, to allow the region to have a deeper understanding of regional savings achievements. It is possible that this works fits into the RTF charter for collecting regional data, and the region should consider if this work would be best managed by the RTF in the future.